
Suspension of runs until further notice

The president has announced new COVID prevention measures including no sports clubs activities, no gatherings, and no movement in and out of Nairobi amongst other measures.

There will therefore be no Swara runs for the foreseeable future, until it is both legal and safe to do so again.

We, as a club committee, wish you all health, community, and wellbeing as we enter a new and even more difficult phase of this global pandemic and as we all deal with it, and the difficulties it brings to each and every one of us.

Please, continue to use this community as a source of hope and inspiration, and continue running in a safe and responsible way.

Stay safe, stay positive, and keep running.


Urban Swaras Starting Line RUn 593 @ Run2Gether Training Camp, Longonot

The weekend just gone saw us hitting the mean streets of Lavington, where we had a lovely tarmac-based run that allowed many runners to clock some impressive speeds, and where much-loved member of the club Joe Gatonye celebrated his 5th anniversary as a Swara, back at the venue where he attended his first run! Thanks to all for coming, and for being vigilant with your safety and wellbeing (reflected in the lack of photos from the trail 🙂 ) See the Starting Line for more:

This week we venture further afield and visit some runners who some of us might want to be like ‘when we grow up’. We’re heading to the Run2Gether training camp in Longonot, to run in the rift valley, in the shadow of the famous Mount, with some lite pacers to keep us on our toes! This is a legendary trail, with enough hills to keep Chairman happy, and enough beautiful views to make the paparazzi amongst us jump for joy. There will be breakfast, provided by the club, and prepared by the folks at the camp, and we welcome donations of running gear in good condition, which will be distributed to the runners at the camp, and children and the members of the community that are involved in community outreach activities through the camp.

Speed work Wednesday will be this Wednesday 24th March, from 7am, at Nyayo Stadium. There is no charge for the session, but there is a fee to be paid to Nyayo Stadium of 200ksh for use of the track and (for now, cold) showers. Parking is available on-site. Bring water, wear your Swara t shirt, and bring your energy! The session should last approximately an hour. This is on a trial basis, so all feedback is welcome.

You’ll find in the Starting Line a new Urban Swaras Run Safety Guide, which we have created to encourage every one of us to be aware of our safety, and that of others, when out for Swara runs, or any runs for that matter. Please read through and share any feedback you may have, or ideas for additions.

Link to the Starting Line:


Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 592 @ Ambo Gardens, Lavington

We had a great turnout on Saturday at Acacia, in Karinde. The run was most certainly scenic and challenging. However, it is unfortunate that some Swaras were targeted by senseless attacks; muggings that robbed them of their belongings. Our thoughts go out to them as they come to terms with what happened to them and get back on the trail. Please all look out for yourselves whenever you’re running, and look out for each other. We now advise all runners to steer clear of Karinde and the extreme end of Ngong Road Forest (towards the Southern Bypass) as a precaution.

We also had our first Wednesday morning speedwork session, with members of Team Jasho and Urban Swaras being coached by the legendary Run Beyond coach, Coach Simba.

Get a full recap and some photos in this week’s Starting Line:

This Saturday’s run will be at Ambo Gardens, in Lavington, for an urban run, but as we all know, our Trail Fox knows how to find off-the-beaten-track trails even in the most unlikely of places.

Speed work Wednesday will be this Wednesday 10th March, from 7am, at Nyayo Stadium. There is no charge for the session, but there is a fee to be paid to Nyayo Stadium of 200ksh for use of the track and (for now, cold) showers. Parking is available on-site. Bring water, wear your Swara t shirt, and bring your energy! The session should last approximately an hour. This is on a trial basis, so all feedback is welcome.

Full details of what is to come this week, and upcoming runs from other clubs in the Starting Line:



Starting Line Run 591 @Acacia, Karinde

Do you ever hear runners talk about an ‘easy run’, ‘slow run’ or ‘rest day’ that still involves running, and sometimes running that would still prove daunting to the majority of the population? Well, this Saturday’s Spring Valley run was something of the sort. Thinking ‘majority tarmac run’ would prove a respite from the usual hills and toughness of Swara runs, I for one was proven wrong and was honked at by a number of cars for getting in their way as I took up half the road with my lumbering, huffing and puffing. Trust the Trail Fox to still find hills and beauty, wherever we go 🙂 The small number of stickers and t shirts we had remaining have almost been exhausted, but there are still a few (limited sizes available), so reach out to the MC if you’re interested in getting your hands on some. Find some photos from this week in the Starting Line:

This week we’re heading to Acacia, in Karinde (next to Harlem Restaurant), for a fantastic run that certainly won’t disappoint. The trails in this neighbourhood are always a hit, so don’t miss it! We have previously run from other establishments in this same complex, so whilst the specific restaurant is new, the small complex of eateries should be familiar to many of you (tule Fish, The Garage, etc.)

It’s also my great pleasure to announce the return of a newly revamped Swara Speedwork, on a trail basis. We’re teaming up with our friends from Run Beyond and their in-house Coach, Coach Simba (who has trained Kenyan Olympic athletes and was once a resident coach in Iten), to provide a weekly speedwork session for Urban Swaras and also Team Jasho, another great running club in Nairobi (their bright orange t shirts complement our bright yellow ones nicely).

Speed work Wednesday will be this Wednesday 10th March, at Nyayo Stadium. There is no charge for the session, but there is a fee to be paid to Nyayo Stadium of 200ksh for use of the track and (for now, cold) showers. Parking is available on-site. Bring water, wear your Swara t shirt, and bring your energy! The session should last approximately an hour. This is on a trial basis, so all feedback is welcome.

As if that’s not enough, this coming Sunday we have Mary’s birthday run! Some of you may know Mary as a long-time member and supporter of the club, others may not know her yet but all are welcome for her birthday run, on Sunday 14th March. See details below to register and celebrate with her. 

Full details on all of these delectable events in the Starting Line!



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 590 @ Cafe Detour (former Spring Valley Oven)

You know how sometimes there’s just one of those super eventful running weeks in the Kenyan recreational running community? This has been one of those weeks! Where to start?

First we had some superhumans conquering Mount Kilimanjaro (yes, the actual mountain, not the beer) in 24 hours, amongst them our very own Cheruiyot, Victor Kamau and Hermann Kambugu. A huge round of applause to them! They, along with a few hundred others, then descended on Moshi for the Kilimanjaro Marathon. Whilst normally this would see bus loads of Kenyan runners flood the Tanzanian mountain town, this year was a much quieter affair for public health and safety reasons. Nonetheless, a number of Swaras called Lutheran guesthouse home for a night or two, as they sweated it out on the hilly trails of the marathon and half marathon. Well done to Sheila Ommeh, who did her FIRST marathon there exactly one year ago, and smashed her goal this year to hit a personal best and do herself and us all immensely proudMany other runners achieved equally outstanding results, and rumour has it they also had a pretty good time celebrating 🙂

Saturday’s run was at Forest Breeze Gardens, another foresty run with some lovely leafy, tree-strewn routes that pleased the crowds and gave Swaras what they craved.

Photos from all of these can be found in the Starting Line:

All in all, one pretty great week! Well done to all who did something that they’re proud of.

This week we’re taking a detour to Cafe Detour, formerly known as Spring Valley Oven which is in – you guessed it – Spring Valley! Expect a mostly tarmac-based run (to practise your speed? enjoy some flatness?) with some little trail interludes.

Full details on this week’s run, and the link to register, in the Starting Line (which has everything you need for a happy running life so don’t miss it!)

A reminder to all of you that have stories to tell and experiences to share (in other words, all of you): the elusive Urban Swara newsletter editor is accepting submissions for the next edition of the newsletter, so get your articles, or even just article ideas in asap. Deadline for submissions is 15th March:


Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 589 @ Forest Breeze Gardens

I hear all Swaras and guests got back to Nairobi from Graceland in one piece which can only mean one thing: they outran both the hills and the elephants! Highlights of Graceland 2021 include a one-man band, entire classes of Graceland girls cheering on exhausted but happy runners, and some cheeky little Swara-dipping (like skinny-dipping but wearing a Swara t-shirt). On behalf of the whole club, thank you to Wachira Nderitu, for this fantastic 10th edition of the much-loved Graceland run.

Meanwhile, those of us that remained in Nairobi had a casual , laid-back run at the Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary, where it seems all of Nairobi were out in full force, either running or biking with one of the many clubs that descended upon the newly rediscovered centrally located green space. Check out all the photos to get a feel for the visuals behind the stories! Starting Line:

Our next run will be at Forest Breeze Gardens, a new venue for the club, located off Ngong Road in the Lenena/Riruta area. Expect monkeys and greenery and trail! Full details in the Starting Line:

Thank you to all the Swaras that ordered from the Duka La Swara, you may see a LOT of Swara goodies around town now as everyone has received their merchandise and is flaunting it already. Look out for the next Duka La Swara opening, it’s a most elusive of online popup shops 🙂



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 588 @Graceland Upcountry Run & Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary

I never thought I would see the day where I would complain about a LACK of mud, but after working myself up for a slip and slide, our Trail Fox surprised us all by finding us a beautiful trail that, despite the recent rains, was pretty free of the worst sort of mud. Kudos to him! And kudos to all who ran, including a number of new runners, and some familiar faces that we hadn’t seen in a long time, who couldn’t miss what they knew was going to be a great run from an easily accessible location. Luckily we didn’t lose any Swaras to the river, which was crossed no less than three times, on the most precarious of ‘bridges’ (if you can even call them that). Check out the photos in the Starting Line for a giggle!

The Treasurer has been inspecting our membership records, and we invite you all to make sure you’re up-to-date on your subs, to ensure the smooth running of the club. Do remember that the Club Officials and CRE are volunteers, and so we urge you all to continue to show the camaraderie and cooperation that has come to characterise us as a club, and to follow the club guidelines and membership obligations, to make the running of the club smooth and pleasant for all. We thank you all so much for helping make the Urban Swaras one of Kenya’s biggest and best running clubs!

This coming week we have so much to look forward to! Graceland Upcountry Run is now in its 10th edition, believe it or not, and to celebrate this BIG figure there will be BIG trails, of not less than 30km and 55km. Registration is ongoing until Wednesday 17th February, so hurry to register, and let us and Wachira, our gracious host, know if you will be attending the pasta dinner and post-run lunch. Register here:

For those that will be staying put in Nairobi for one reason or another, we will meet at Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary, following the marked trails and not at all getting FOMO for the Graceland attendees!

Full details on both runs in the Starting Line:


Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 587 @ The Shed, Kitisuru

Ngong never disappoints, and we sure had some non-disappointing hills and trails on the Matasia Loop run this past weekend in Ngong. Never before have I heard someone ask where the 5% non-trail was in our advertised ‘95% trail’ run 🙂 , and I take that as due credit to our Trail Fox, Benja, who is able to sniff out anything trail-y within a 35km radius! Well done to all those who ran/walked/crawled, and to those who didn’t, don’t worry, there’s more where that came from. Find some photo highlights and results of the January Swara running challenge:

You should have received an email about the upcoming 10th edition of the Graceland Upcountry Run, from our ever-gracious host, Wachira Nderitu, so that gives us all something BIG (well, there is an Ultra distance) to look forward to this month in addition to our usual Swara runs! Carve out the Saturday 20th February for that run.

This week we’re heading to The Shed, Mwimuto/Kitisuru, for another foray into unknown and undiscovered trails. See the Starting Line for the full lo-down on what to expect from the next run:



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 586 @Matasia Loop, Ngong County Offices

This past weekend we had some surreal sights: the run appears to have been flagged off by a four-legged bovine as opposed to a yellow t-shirt wearing biped, and there were sightings of Swaras wading through water longer than was necessary to cross the river, in search of a mobile phone in its depths. All this because of the love of running!! Thank you all for sharing your photos and experiences, they’re priceless! Plenty of photo highlights in the Starting Line:

A huge congratulations to one of our club legends and (young) veterans, Cheruiyot (of Show & Tell fame, and author of ‘An Ultramarathon Story’), who completed the Salomon Mount Kenya three routes challenge comfortably under the gruelling 24 hour goal. His strength, determination and absolute sportsman spirit has inspired many of us, so let’s all give him a big cheer for his incredible feat! Huge well done to Victor Kamau, an ultramarathon and sky running pioneer, who also took part in the challenge, and though he had to pull out because he was unwell, he completed two routes in an amazing time, and he has inspired many to follow in his footsteps through his understated extraordinariness. Three cheers to them!

This weekend we’re going to Ngong County Offices for a splendidly loopy run, with distances from 5km to 35km. Full details below. Bring a friend, bring yourself, and be sure to bring your trail running shoes!

Full details and registration link in the Starting Line:



Urban Swaras Run 585 @ The Forest, Kereita

It’s not often that we as a club have to apologise, but with the mix-up of last week’s run we found ourselves in a position where we felt the need to apologise profusely to all of you. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation, we strive to not have to apologise too often. Thankfully everyone seems to have had a great run nonetheless. Starting Line here:

This week were heading to one of our most scenic and refreshing runs of the calendar: The Forest, at Kereita. This venue has it all: a restaurant with a view, endless miles of forests, waterfalls, rivers, fields, and hills; and even some extra activities for you to make a day of it, including zip lining, archery, and mountain biking. See full details below. Be sure to read the Starting Line fully and carefully, there are a lot of instructions! Register for this week’s run and pay for your registration in advance to avoid any delays.

Also, there are a number of rooms still being held for Swaras at Lutheran Guest house in Moshi for the Kilimanjaro Marathon. You have until end of today to book your room or these rooms will be relinquished to other runners looking for rooms. Contact Nelson on Whatsapp +255 787 728 528 to book or by email and mention you’re a Swara member. Non-Swara members please contact him from tomorrow to allow for members to fill up the rooms reserved for members first. Thanks!