
Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 680 @ Valley Arcade, Kilimani

What a way to kick off the year! We had a superb run in Karen, and we welcomed a LOT of new guests and members. Why don’t you all spread the word and try and get more people involved in running? Bring a friend, a colleague or a neighbour along for a run (just make sure they know what they’re letting themselves in for)! Just forward them the info below so they can join us one Saturday, or ask them if they want to join our mailing list. All are welcome to the Swaras! See photo highlights from the run in the Starting Line:

Find the updated new member information and sign up form here, for aspiring members to get started here:

This week’s run: Valley Arcade, Kilimani

This Saturday, we’re running from Valley Arcade. This will be a majority town run, so speedsters, or people training for Kilimanjaro, it’s a great chance to get a long run in, with distances from 5km up to 30km.

See full details and link to register here:

Kilimanjaro Marathon 2023

The Kili Marathon 2023 is taking place on Sunday 26th February. This is a HUGE deal for the Nairobi running community, and usually sees hundreds of Kenyan runners cross the border to run. Register right away here: (registration closes in a month).

We as Urban Swaras try to help give everyone the best experience by helping to arrange transport and accommodation. To this end we have arranged the following (read carefully, the questions you have are all answered below)!:

  1. Transport by return shuttle with Impala Shuttle. Leaving Nairobi Saturday morning 6am from Parkside Hotel Monrovia Street. You will dropped at your hotel, if you are staying at a Swara Hotel. Return shuttle is 4,000ksh, or 2,000ksh one-way. Please make payment to Buy Goods Till Number 5360791 (Impala Shuttle) then call/text/Whatsapp +254 727 377 771 or +254 710 354 845 with your name, whether a single or return journey, indicating that you are with the Urban Swara Running Club, and desired dates of travel. Return travel options are Sunday afternoon (after the race) or Monday morning.
  2. Accommodation at Lutheran. We have been welcomed at Lutheran Uhuru Hostel, walking distance to the marathon start line, for many years. They offer single rooms at TSH 90,000 (Approx KSH 4,700) or double/twin rooms at TSH 130,000 for two (approx KSH 6,880) including breakfast each day and dinner on the Saturday evening. The accommodation is simple and comfortable, and there is no noisy bar to prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep! We have 20 rooms, which can each accommodate one or two people. Rooms will be given to members as first priority, and we strongly encourage sharing, to cut costs and also maximise the number of people we can fit. If these rooms fill up we will seek an alternative.
  3. Bibs will be collected in Moshi, and will be ready for collection at the Lutheran Uhuru Hotel from Saturday at the latest. You must provide your bib number in advance, so please provide it as you complete the form below.

Please fill in the form here to confirm your plans, and request your room (payment will be required once it is confirmed by return message to you, and only upon payment will it be booked). If you are looking for a roommate, please indicate so in the form. You will be contacted on the email address or Whatsapp you provide, to proceed to payment, so please keep an eye out in the coming days after you express interest)!

Form to fill as soon as possible (first come first served):

If you are NOT a current member you will be put on the waiting list for accommodation.



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 677 @ Arboretum

We had Swaras doing great things all over this weekend: we had Swaras attending the run in Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary, Swaras running loop de loop around a track setting some new records (well done Peter ‘Chicharrito’ on running 100 miles in 24 hours!!) and we had Swaras rubbing shoulders with the GOAT in Iten, amongst many other exploits happening concurrently! Find some photo highlights in the Starting Line:

Find the updated new member information and sign up form here, for aspiring members to sign up:

This week’s run: Arboretum

This Saturday, Christmas Eve, we’re running from Arboretum. We will have distances of 10, 15, 20, and 25km, mostly on tarmac. Come out for a last run with your Swara buddies before Christmas!

See full details and register in the Starting Line:



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 676 @ Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary

Last Saturday (seems like so long ago, what with the long weekend) we were running in Kiambu, with the Ecogreen run. Well done to all who planted trees and helped to re-green our country! We also co-hosted a Jamhuri Day Run for Avani and Niraj. Thank you to all who supported them. If you would still like to support them financially in their pursuit of justice and rebuilding their family home, you may do so using the following dedicated Paybill line set up by a friend of Avani and Niraj: Paybill number 8051878, Account: your name. Find some photo highlights in the Starting Line:

Find the updated new member information and sign up form here, for aspiring members to sign up:

This week’s run: Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary

This Saturday 17th December we will be in Ngong Road Forest Sanctuary. If you’ve not yet discovered this sanctuary in the middle of the city, what are you waiting for?! There are marked trails all year round, but we will be adding extra Swara marks to ensure noone gets lost. There will be distances of 5, 10, 15, and 21km. Find full info and the link to sign up here:



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 675 @ Lynton Farm Eco Green Run, Kiambu

Dear Swaras,

This weekend we had our AGM and a run from West Wood Hotel. We had a fantastic turnout and a great road run around Westlands/Parklands/Spring Valley (what felt like half of Nairobi)! You will find the AGM minutes included herein for your perusal. The main takeaways: membership will be increased by 100ksh a month, i.e. 300ksh a quarter. This means instead of 1,500ksh per quarter, it will be 1,800ksh per quarter. Find the updated new member information and sign up form here, for aspiring members to sign: See some photo highlights in the Starting Line and the AGM minutes attached:

This week’s run: Lynton Farm Eco green Run

This week we are hosted by Eco Green for the Lynton Farm Eco green run. Savor the lush tea/coffee fields of Kiambu as we run in an effort to conserve and sustain the ecosystem and usher in the festive season! We will be running from Settler’s View resort, with distances of 10 to 30km. The run is free for members, but guests are encouraged to pay the 1,000ksh registration fee inclusive of breakfast and other treats. Breakfast is available to those who wish to, for 500ksh payable in advance to Wilson 0722724032 . Anyone can contribute to the tree planting if they wish, through the details on the poster in the Starting Line (where you will find all details):

Jamhuri Run for Avani and Niraj

We have an extra special bonus run on Jamhuri Day, an initiative of all the Nairobi recreational running clubs coming together to show solidarity with Avani and Niraj, two recreational runners who are much treasured and valued by the entire community and who have endured an unbelievable hardship in recent weeks, as you must have seen in the news. They have essentially lost their family home to illegal land grabbing and thugs. This run is open to anyone, and the clubs will be covering most of the costs, so you can pay 500ksh for breakfast, and we invite you to make a contribution which will be forwarded to the family. Details below!

Date: Monday 12th December. Distances: 10, 15, 20, 25km. Venue: Parklands Sports Club. Flagging off: 7am, assembly from 6.30am. Breakfast: 500ksh. Breakfast payable to: Urban Swaras m pesa 0740912116 (Samuel Waweru). Contributions: any contribution for Avani and Niraj that anyone wishes to make to be forwarded to 0740912116 (Samuel Waweru). Registration:



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 674 @ AGM, West Wood Hotel, Westlands

Dear Swaras, 

Sorry, I truly am sorry, for making all of you who didn’t attend Saturday’s Tigoni run so very jealous, with the views and the photos. But it’s Tigoni! You know it’s going to be amazing! Next time, don’t miss it. We had a great welcome and a fantastic breakfast package at the revamped cafe at the Rubis Tigoni, now called Nifty Cafe. For everyone who got bonus kilometres thanks to our Trail Fox’s overzealousness with the trail and the chalk, I hope you enjoyed every single one of them! See some photo highlights here:

This week’s run: Run and AGM, West Wood Hotel, Westlands

This week we have our Annual General Meeting. It is very important that the AGM has quorum, either in person or online, so please, if you are an active member, we ask that you either attend in-person at West Wood Hotel, or online, and be an active part of the club. If your membership is not up to date, please update it by sending the required amount to the club’s m pesa line , 0740 912 116 (Samuel Waweru). All attendees will be checked for membership status. Register now:

Zoom details below for online attendance for those unable to attend in-person. There will be FREE breakfast and lunch for members, so it’s worth your while to attend in-person! There will be a couple of important matters discussed, including membership fees, and a landmark Swara financial audit. Ensure you register for all of the options you plan to attend (run/breakfast/AGM/lunch/online AGM) for planning purposes in the registration form. You may come for the run and leave before the AGM if you are not a member, or skip the run and come for the AGM if you are a member! All combos are possible. There will be run distances of 10km up to 25km.

AGM Saturday 3rd December, 11am.

Link to join meeting:

Meeting ID: 822 0750 0169

Passcode: 121626

Full details in the Starting Line:

#HaveYourSay #HaveYourFill


Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 672 @ Lava Latte, State House Road

I think when the founders of this town named it they made a mistake…it should clearly be RUNgai, not RONgai! We certainly ran it, up, down, around, through, and then back to The Smith hotel for breakfast and perusing of Enda shoes! Thanks to our run captain, Michael Nawari for organising this run. See some photo highlights in the Starting Line:

If you missed the Swara Gala official photos, catch them here:

We also shared notice of the upcoming AGM on Saturday 3rd December, be sure to save the date to have a voice in our club!

This week’s run: Lava Latte, State House Road

We are running from a new venue this Saturday! Lava Latte is on State House Road, just opposite State House itself, at 209 State House Road, very close to Arboretum. We have t shirts for sale, and some other goodies. Distances on offer will be 10km up to 30km, and they have an ample breakfast and brunch menu, so you may order a la carte should you wish to stay for breakfast. Click here for full details and to register:

An Audience With…

We have our next ‘An Audience With…’ Zoom session this Wednesday, and our special guest is none other than Henry Wanyioke, legendary Paralympian and record holder, and he will be speaking on Mindset and Teamwork.

Link to join on Wednesday 16th November at 7pm:

Meeting ID: 863 3855 4021

Passcode: 406683



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 671 @ The Smith, Rongai

Surely I’m not the only one with barely any voice left, and sore feet (from something other than running) after that weekend?! We started off with the All Clubs Run from Karen Waterfront, with a mega turnout with people from all different Nairobi running clubs, and the presence of NextGen Health, providing injury checkups and physio consults. Then we followed that up with the Swara Gala! See photo highlights in the Starting Line:

150 people, 9 sponsors, more than 80 medals given out, 3 guests of honour, and a LOT of cheering, clapping, inspiring, dancing! The official pictures will be shared soon. There are too many people to thank, but just to highlight a few:

Ferdinand Omanyala and his wife Laventa Omanyala – that’s right, the fastest man in Africa graced the gala and shared some words of wisdom with us!

Douglas Wakiihuri, Olympian, coach, and all-round sportsman who now even has a road named after him roused the crowd with his inspirational stories.

Our sponsors, Family Bank, Zenith Steel, Salomon East Africa, Run Beyond, VMX Fitness, Cellar’s Grill/Afrika Lodges, Shem Kiptoon, Sam Ndungu, and one anonymous sponsor!

Our MCs, Charlie and Susan Okoma, who lit up the entire night with their entertaining and for making us laugh and dance.

The marvellous organising committe, who put the whole thing together, led by Joseph Masika, with Carol N, Marylyne Chebet, Michael Nawari, Shem Kiptoon, and Davis Munene. This group of volunteers went above and beyond, for the love of running and the club, and the recreational running community!

And finally, all of you who attended!

We hope this is not a one-off, but we would like to know your thoughts, on whether we should make it an annual event, what you enjoyed, what you would have wanted to see more of…please share your quick feedback here before Friday this week:

We have a small number of mileage medals left (1,000-1,999km, 3,000-3,999 km, and 4,000-4,999km, available for 1,000ksh on a first come first served basis. Please contact Claire to book yours, Safaricom 0792 745 372 / Whatsapp +33615209676

This week’s run: The Smith, Rongai

Let’s head to The Smith in Rongai for a bit of trail after quite a few tarmac runs! There will be distances from 10 to 35km (all distances are approximate) and there will be an optional runner’s breakfast afterwards. See the Starting Line for full details and to register:

Notice of Swara AGM

We hereby give notice that the Swara Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 3rd December. More information to come on details of this, and nominations for the office of Patron.



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 670 @ Waterfront, Karen + Swara Gala!

How to condense the weekend into just a few soundbites?? Impossible! The photos in the Starting Line speak more than a million words, but so do the sore muscles, the happy but tired faces floating around Nairobi today, and the Strava stats telling tales of PBs and personal triumphs! See photo highlights here:

We started off with the short but sweet Swara run on Saturday around Upper Hill, followed by a HUGE group stretching session with the wonderful Elvis Abonyo. He can whip even the most inflexible, weakest person into shape in no time! We had a convivial breakfast at Public Service Club, dispensed some kits and t shirts, and then went to rest ahead of the big day. On the day we had upwards of 100 Swaras teeming around Uhuru Gardens, running either the 10km, 21km, 42km, or the corporate relay (we had a superstar Swara team competing). We also had a veritable army of support volunteers who were out as early as the runners were, with signs that went viral, and supplies that saved the day.

Well done to ALL who ran, you brightened up the run, and it was wonderful to see SO many recreational runners running together, cheering each other on, and sharing space in this running world of ours. See just a small selection of the many wonderful photos taken on the day. Well done to the Swara relay team (Faith, Joan, David and Esther) who came first in the running clubs category!! Check out some photo highlights from the weekend in the Starting Line:

This week’s run: Waterfront Mall, Karen

This weekend brings us the first Swara Gala! And to kick off the weekend we are inviting ALL recreational runners, from all clubs and all walks of life, to join us for a pre-Gala run at Waterfront Karen! The run will be FREE to members of other clubs – that’s right, no guest fees, so we can all run together in solidarity, and then go home, get dolled up, and meet for the evening party at Emara Ole Sereni! If you’ve not got your tickets for the gala yet you have until Wednesday 2nd November. Hurry hurry! Full details and to register in the Starting Line:

Next Gen Kenya will be offering FREE running injury screenings, and discounted physio sessions at the Saturday run, so do not miss out. 

Inaugural Swara Gala – reserve your ticket!

For the first time, the Urban Swaras Running Club is inviting you to a Swara Gala! A sophisticated, celebratory, evening event, bringing together club members, other members of the Nairobi Recreational Running community, and some special guests for a dinner, dance, entertainment, and awards ceremony.

Tickets cost 3,500ksh, and cover all of the above. The event is open to all members of the recreational running community and their guests, and in fact we invite members of other running or sports clubs to join us in a special event of running solidarity and celebration, so please do invite your friends and loved ones. Mileage medals will be awarded for those who register early on the link below.

Please book your tickets using this link, pick your outfit, and practice your dance moves and award acceptance speech, the Gala is around the corner! Booking link:

Our wonderful and generous sponsors of the event are listed in the Starting Line

Please collect your Duka La Swara goodies or Mount Kenya Ultra goodies at the next run, or ask someone to pick them for you. After this Saturday they will be sold off or donated.  



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 669 @ Stan Chart Warmup Run, Public Service Club, Upper Hille

Dear Swaras,
A great run was had by all from Bavaria Gardens, Westlands, and a big thank you to Annika for volunteering to help with registration; even if she can’t run, she’s very much a part of the club 🙂 Check out the Starting Line for some photo highlights: I hope you’re all looking forward to the two next big events on the Swara calendar: 1. Standard Chartered Nairobi Marathon happening this Sunday, and 2. The Swara Gala! 

For the marathon, be sure to collect your kits any day this week from Uhuru Gardens (just give your name and show your confirmation email). Then for the Gala, be sure to book to ensure you get your distance medal and you don’t miss out (once we’re fully booked we will close bookings). Link to book:

There will be support for all Stan Chart runners (hurrah) provided by all the running clubs banding together so BE SURE TO WEAR YOUR SWARA TEE! If you don’t have one yet, get one at the Saturday run.

This week’s run: Public Service Club, Upper Hill

To mark the 24-hour countdown to Stan Chart, this Saturday we will have a 7km warm-up/shakeout run from Public Service Club, Upper Hill. Post-run stretching (to also calm the nerves!!) will be led by Elvis Abonyo, superstar strength and personal trainer. Show up at 7am, see you there! Get full info and the link to register in the Starting Line:

Inaugural Swara Gala – reserve your ticket!

For the first time, the Urban Swaras Running Club is inviting you to a Swara Gala! A sophisticated, celebratory, evening event, bringing together club members, other members of the Nairobi Recreational Running community, and some special guests for a dinner, dance, entertainment, and awards ceremony.

Tickets cost 3,500ksh, and cover all of the above. The event is open to all members of the recreational running community and their guests, and in fact we invite members of other running or sports clubs to join us in a special event of running solidarity and celebration, so please do invite your friends and loved ones. Mileage medals will be awarded for those who register early on the link below.

Please book your tickets using this link, pick your outfit, and practice your dance moves and award acceptance speech, the Gala is around the corner! Booking link:

Our wonderful and generous sponsors of the event are all featured in the Starting Line, check them out!



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 668 @ Bavaria Gardens, Westlands

Did many of you know that ACK St Paul’s Kiambu holds some great historical importance? I’m pretty sure that none of you realised that, instead focusing on the trail in front of you, and the breakfast at the finish line! Great fun and great running was had by all, and yet another Saturday well spent with the Swaras! Find some photo highlights here:

We also had some outstanding runs happening in Amsterdam, well done to all who excelled and truly flew the Swara flag high. We salute you all! 

This week’s run: Bavaria Gardens, Westlands

As we approach the starting line of the Standard Chartered Marathon 2022, we are toning down on the hills and the trail, so this week we will be at Bavaria Gardens, Westlands, with a majority tarmac run, with distances from 10km to 25km. See below for full details and how to register. And don’t forget to register for Stan Chart right away! We are also forming Swara relay teams, so get in touch if you want to be on the relay team ( / Whatsapp +33615209676)

Stan Chart 2022

Registration link exclusively for Swaras here (it will sign you up as part of the Urban Swaras team):

If you would like to be run as part of a relay team (if 42km is a little ambitious for you, but 10.5km is doable), then reach out now to be a part of a Swara team! This is really the fun run option for Stan Chart 🙂

Inaugural Swara Gala – reserve your ticket!

For the first time, the Urban Swaras Running Club is inviting you to a Swara Gala! A sophisticated, celebratory, evening event, bringing together club members, other members of the Nairobi Recreational Running community, and some special guests for a dinner, dance, entertainment, and awards ceremony.

Tickets cost 3,500ksh, and cover all of the above. The event is open to all members of the recreational running community and their guests, and in fact we invite members of other running or sports clubs to join us in a special event of running solidarity and celebration, so please do invite your friends and loved ones. Mileage medals will be awarded for those who register early on the link below.

Please book your tickets using this link, pick your outfit, and practice your dance moves and award acceptance speech, the Gala is around the corner! Booking link:

Our wonderful and generous sponsors of the event include:

Zenith Steel

Going Outdoor/Salomon

Cellar’s Grill/Afrika Lodges

VMX Fitness

For full details on all of the above and to register, consult the Starting Line:



Claire Baker, Club Secretary