I think this must have been the first time that we’ve ever run in Tigoni and NOT had rain! Hurrah! In fact the ground was dry as a bone, a true reflection of the lack of rain that is ravaging the country. It was a beautiful run, and we welcome all the new runners who joined us! Looking forward to seeing you on the trails in future. We also had a professional photographer join us, with a camera and GoPro – we will share the photos and videos when we have them.

Well done to all of you ran the longer distances, or who pushed themselves to run a bit longer/harder/stronger from Thayu Farm Hotel! See photo highlights in the Starting Line: https://sway.office.com/kOdS1WoN0NNHRlEM?ref=LinkThis week’s run – Levilla Gardens, Kikuyu.This week we are running from Levilla Gardens, Kikuyu, and you know what that means…fantatsic Kikuyu Trails, and some good nyama choma to keep you entertained and out the house after the run! Distances on offer will be from 10 to 35km. See the Starting Line for full info, and to register before Thursday: https://sway.office.com/kOdS1WoN0NNHRlEM?ref=LinkOut of town runsIn two weeks we are running from Run2Gether training camp near Mount Longonot. You can start collecting donations of good condition running shoes, running gear, or other clothes, shoes, or bags, to donate to the camp and the surrounding community. This is always well received and appreciated!Our next big out of town run to plan ahead for is Diani! You don’t want to miss out on the discounted prices, so don’t wait, register here: https://forms.gle/Amxkto1ZZgQskpKa8 Don’t forget, we will also be taking part in the Nairobi Marathon Relay on Saturday 6th May, organised by Fitness With David, so if you want to be on a Swara team, look out for more info coming soon!