
Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 606 @ Villa Park, Wangige

What a Swara weekend that was! Again, we had perfect running weather (cool and cloudy, just how we like it), and we explored the beautiful trails our great city and country has to offer. Don’t forget, Swara runs happen EVERY Saturday, no matter what and we almost never do the same trail twice, so it really is a runner’s dream. Come along every Saturday, come along once a month, bring a friend, whatever is right for you. We appreciate that with the continued presence and constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic many of us have adjusted our lifestyles somewhat, and we understand that everyone needs to look after their own best interests. Please continue to stay safe, and as you attend runs, monitor your health, maintain social distance, wear a mask, but get out there and run! Let’s show the world that we are a nation of GOATs, it’s not just Kipchoge 🙂

Check out the Starting Line for some running highlights:

This coming Saturday we will be at Villa Park Resort, on Gitaru Road, Wangige area. This is always a fantastic venue and almost 100% trail.

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Link to the Starting to register for this Saturday’s run: Line:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas:

The Voi Ultra Run is fast approaching, find the one-pager below with the important info about how to pay and to who and book your spot asap! Look out for a separate email on this also. You can already register here:



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 605 @ Gatune Primary School, Kikuyu

When you think you know Tigoni, and you think you’ve explored all the trails this beautiful tea zone has to offer, think again! We all taken off the beaten trail last weekend, as we discovered new twists and turns in Tigoni, and enjoyed a fabulous trail and fantastic weather. We also had Swaras running in different parts of the country, from Ngong, to Nyeri, to Meru, living the running and Swara lifestyle! Find some photo highlights in the Starting Line:

This coming Saturday we will be at Gatune Primary School, Karai Area, Kikuyu, running from a brand new venue, so if you’re looking for something different to break the routine, this is definitely it!

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Starting Line:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas:

Don’t forget to register for the Voi Ultra Run here:


Urban Swaras Starting Line run 604 @ Thayu Farm Hotel, Tigoni

What a great run we had at Fort’s Place, Lower Kabete! I don’t want to give the rest of you FOMO, but really, you missed out 🙂 Don’t make the same mistake this Saturday, as we head to Thayu Farm Hotel! On Saturday we experienced all of Lower Kabete’s hills, and no one was as cold when they finished as when they started. Thankfully the tea was free-flowing so everyone got extra warm with a hearty breakfast! Thanks to all who came, and to our Trail Fox and Trail Queen for another superb trail. Check out some photo highlights in the Starting Line:

This coming Saturday we will be at Thayu Farm Hotel, Tigoni, where you know that there will be breathtaking trails a-plenty, and selfie moments around every corner (yes Selfie Kinds and Queens, I’m looking at you)!

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Link to Starting Line:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas: 

The Voi Ultra Run is fast approaching, find the one-pager below with the important info about how to pay and to who and book your spot asap! Look out for a separate email on this tomorrow. You can already register here



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 603 @ Fort’s Place, Uthiru

Who knew that Thika town was hiding so many trail-y treasures behind its dusty facade – I think all who attended were surprised and delighted by this trail, and what a pleasure it was to run together as a club. Thanks all who attended and made it such a special outing. Check out the Starting Line for some photo highlights:

This coming Saturday we will be at Fort’s Place, Uthiru who truly know how to welcome Swaras in style and they have a hugely popular runner’s breakfast that you can get excited about. Another run not to miss.

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Link to Starting Line:

The Voi Ultra Run is just one month away! Scroll down in the Starting Line for full details, or click here for the full brochure: Start booking your rooms and transport!



Starting Line run 602 @ The Luke Hotel – Cravers, Thika

What perfect weather for a long run! Much as we may be complaining about the cold, the overcast coolness of Saturday was perfect weather for those who turned up for a Saturday long run. And the venue put on a fantastic breakfast for us to warm us up afterwards! Well done to all who ran, and we’re looking forward to seeing you all again this coming Saturday. Check out the Starting Line for some photo highlights:

This Saturday we are heading to The Luke Hotel – Cravers, Thika, a new venue for the Swaras, and a little bit further afield then our recent runs. You are guaranteed to discover trails you have NEVER trodden before!

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Be sure to register before end of Thursday. Starting Line:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the next upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas:



Urban Swaras Run 601 @ Eleven Lounge, Karen

Last Saturday we were at Berra Hotel, Ngong, and we took a spin around the green hills of this area, as well as taking in the sights and sounds of the Ngong Wind Farm. Rumour has it that certain Swaras tried to imitate the wind turbines, but I think their legs are more active than their arms as they soon got tired and continued chewing on the hills instead! A jolly time was had by all, and amongst all the photo opps (let’s face it, the Ngong Hills are the perfect backdrop) we even had our current Patron (James Wahome) and former Patron (Surinder Dhadialla) enjoying a lubricated breakfast together and posing for a photo! See all the photos in the Starting Line:

This Saturday we are heading to Eleven Lounge, Karen, a new venue for the Swaras, but in a familiar neighbourhood!

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Link to Starting Line: (Don’t forget to register for the run before end of business Thursday).

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the next upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas:

The Voi Ultra Run is fast approaching, so keep your eyes out for more info on how to register for that and start preparing!



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 600 :-) @ Berra Hotel, Ngong

Oh what a beautiful trail that was! KEFRI never ceases to delight, with forests, hills, and a welcome escape from the city. Thanks to all who made it such a great day, we had a great number of people doing the longest distance (30km), and a delicious breakfast (those samosas though) was a lovely way to unwind as a club afterwards. We also waved a ‘see you later’ to Girum, a dedicated Swara who is heading to Kampala for a new adventure – this won’t be the last we see of him, as Kampala has a very active running community, and there are many events throughout the year in both cities/countries that bring runners from both countries together. Safari njema Girum!

Check out highlights in the Starting Line:

This Saturday we are heading to Berra Hotel, Ngong, which is a favourite haunt of Nairobi recreational runners. Expect some fresh trails (our Trail Fox has a way of uncovering new routes every time), and you’ll be pleased to know there are warm showers and a pool, so if you want to stay a little longer and have a dip or a wash, karibuni sana! As an extra treat, this is the Swara’s 600th run! Come and celebrate with a beautiful run and raise a cup of tea/beer/soda to the club with us!

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the next upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas: 

Check out the Starting Line for run details, photos from the week gone by, and the link to register (please register by 5pm Thursday if you plan to attend the run):



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 599 @KEFRI, Muguga

Last week’s run was a sublime urban Swara run – quite literally urban! – in and around Ngong Road and Adams Arcade. A great time was had by all, both on and off the trail, and we were delighted to see some new members amongst us, welcome to all of you! Many Swaras also joined other representative of Nairobi’s recreational running community for the first Nairobi Marathon Relay, organised in Karen by David Thuo of Fitness With David. What a great show of dedication, solidarity, and running fun by all, and well done to all who took part! Medals were given, and awards to the winning teams in each category, with several Swaras being recognised as teams and individuals, but at the end of the day, all who showed up deserve praise for getting past the start and finish line in one piece, and showing what sportsmanship and super loud cheering is all about! Well done to all who took part. See photo highlights in the Starting Line:

This Saturday we’re heading to the forests of KEFRI, in Muguga, where you know that there will be plenty of beautiful trail to explore. Lookin forward to seeing many of you there!

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting Line and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Register by end of day Thursday. Link to Starting Line:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the next upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas:

We have now released the calendar of runs for the rest of 2021, as we know how important it is to plan ahead, especially for big, out-of-town runs, such as the Voi Ultra Run (21st August) and the traditional Nairobi-Naivasha Relay (YES, IT’S BACK!!! 2nd October). See the Starting Line for the full calendar, or check out the calendar tab on the website.



Urban Swaras Starting Line Run 598 @ Adams Arcade, Ngong Road

Last week’s run offered some splendid hills which had some people panting for breath, but still panting for more, in typical Swara fashion! All roads led to Yellowstone Gardens, where we explored the red dust of the trails around Kikuyu and Dagoretti, some of which may have been familiar to some veteran runners, but as always, the various distances of trail were stitched together in a unique way so you never know where the next turn will take you.

This Saturday we’re heading to Adams Arcade, on Ngong Road, where you can expect to get a little break from the deadly Swara hills 🙂 Register by end of Thursday if you’re planning to join us!

Full details in the Starting Line:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the next upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas:

We have now released the calendar of runs for the rest of 2021, as we know how important it is to plan ahead, especially for big, out-of-town runs, such as the Voi Ultra Run (21st August) and the traditional Nairobi-Naivasha Relay (YES, IT’S BACK!!! 2nd October). See the full calendar in the Starting Line, or check out the calendar tab on the website.

Link to the Starting Line:



Urban Swaras Starting Line run 597 @ Yellowstone Gardens, Kikuyu

Last Saturday we all built up a runner’s hunger, with our run from Hunger’s Nest, in Langata. Some lovely trail, some gentle elevation, and a friendly venue with a bedazzled Maasai guard keeping us all safe! Many stayed on quite late (so I hear) ringing in the weekend and taking advantage of the afternoon sun that emerged after the run. Thanks to all who came, ran, and conquered Langata! See the Starting Line for some photo highlights:

This Saturday we’re heading to Yellowstone Gardens, in Kikuyu, and expect a traily traily run (85% trail dependent on the distance you choose). Be sure to register by Thursday end of day to enable us to plan for the run. 

Details of this Saturday’s run are in the Starting line, and please remember our COVID protocols and safety guidelines are just as important as ever. Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Full details and link to register here:

We’re also looking for new newsletter contributions for the next upcoming issue! Reach out to the editor if you have any ideas: 
