It looks like Swara mileage is going up and up, like the temperatures in Nairobi, much to everyone’s joy! Soon we’ll be complaining about the heat again, no doubt…what’s life if there’s nothing to complain about? And yet, we live to run another day!
Find this week’s Starting Line here:
Last week we heard from Peter ‘Chicharrito/The Inkalimeva’ Muia, in a fantastic Show & Tell, and this week promises to be another great online session, this time with our very own Six Star General; marathoner with swag; head cheerleader (always go to her if you’re feeling a little down on yourself for a pick-me-up), who is also sometimes known as F2 (ask anyone with links to the Hash House Harriers community why and how)…yes, it’s Felicita Kagwanja!
Tune in Wednesday 16th September at 6.15pm to hear Show & Tell with Felicita Kagwanja.
You can also look forward to another cerebral warm-up led by Davis Munene, so come on time with your thinking caps on.

Find full details in the Starting Line: